Pharma cannot be sued for childhood vaccine injuries or deaths so they push their lucrative vaccine agenda worth $50+ billion yearly and growing[1]

The 441st session of the Maryland General Assembly will convene on January 8, 2020. Based on legislation that has been taking place in other states, we are concerned that one’s personal right to choose to exercise religious or medical exemption from vaccinations for oneself or ones child will be threatened. For decades, Maryland law has […]
Appalling, Pharma-driven legislation forced on other states is heading for Maryland.
Other bills in New York seek to 1. Allow children 14 and older to consent to be vaccinated without parental consent or knowledge., 2. Mandate HPV vaccines for all minors 3. Mandate reporting of adult vaccination to the registry without consent, 4. Mandate flu vaccination for school and day care attendance 5. Mandate vaccines for employees working in children’s camps, to name just a few.[4]. Citizens in Syracuse, New York protest HPV vaccination mandates with this billboard showing Maryland citizen, Christina Tarsell who was one of hundreds who died from HPV vaccinations.
Take a stand to protect your medical rights in Maryland
We the citizens of Maryland can have a powerful impact in preventing the erosion of our rights by banding together. On December 16, 2019, the New Jersey Senate narrowly postponed voting on a bill that would have eliminated religious and, in effect, medical exemptions to vaccinations and would have allowed vaccination without parental consent in schools. The citizens of New Jersey showed up by the thousands at the state capitol to protest and hold the line in defense of their rights. They celebrate that success as seen here: