A very bad bill that we wanted to defeat, HB 1040 ( SB 736) has passed both the Senate and House Health Committees with an amendment. The original bill would allow pharmacists to give any recommended vaccine to any child 3 or older without parental consent or knowledge and without a prescription. The Federal Government had passed such a law in August 2020 for Emergency Use and the Federal law already gives this authorization to pharmacists nationwide. The Federal law is supposed to expire when the Pandemic ends. The Maryland bill would have made these authorizations for pharmacists permanent. Due to testimony, calls and emails from constitutents, the bill did not pass as written but also was not killed. Instead, the health committees amended the bill to say there will be a “study” to see what the outcome is as pharmacists proceed to vaccinate any child 3 years or older with any vaccine without parental consent or knowledge between July 1 2021 and December 1, 2022. If the Pandemic ends before then, the Maryland bill will no longer be in effect. The bill was hurriedly passed without time for us to respond to the General Assembly. It has been forwarded to the Governor for his signature so our only option for possibly stopping the bill (HB1040) from becoming law is to email and call him to veto the bill THIS WEEK. There are some good arguments we can make about why he should veto HB1040 which are given below. But we will need to get as many people writing and calling as possible. He will not be signing bills until after the session ends on April 12 but we need to get our messages to him asap. Link to revised bill followed by link to Governor for action. EMAIL OR CALL GOVERNOR HOGAN or call Governor Hogan at 410-974-3901 or 800-811-8336 “ Please do not sign HB1040 into law” Talking Points :
THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO TRY TO KILL THIS TERRIBLE BILL Killing it won’t keep pharmacies from acting on the Federal law until the Pandemic ends but it will send a message that citizens do not ever want this kind of bill to become permanent in Maryland. THANK YOU Please share with family and friends to take action |
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