Recap of Maryland Health Freedom
CommUNITY Empowerment Event 2
Thank you
To all of you who supported and attended our event on August 28, 2022
And a huge THANK YOU to our awesome speakers.
Below are links to the respective presentations.
( Each presentation is about a half hour or less.)
First Session
- Introduction to Event by Emily Tarsell, President Health Choice Maryland followed by first presenter
Aharon Hertzberg, writer/reporter: Learning from the past
Our attorney presenter was ill and could not attend. Her brief comments were read by Brian Petry, Esq. Legal updates regarding the University of Maryland Systems mandates were presented by Eszter Szabo, President of Coalition for Future Maryland and Denee Deny, Founder of UMDEE..
(Excerpts from a Children’s Health Defense legal rights video were also presented.) A link to the full CHD video is here:
- Linda Wastila, PhD, professor of Pharmaceutical Health Policy: Research updates, VAERS data, coronavirus prevention and treatments – then and now
Andy Lazris,MD, physician, author and song writer: medical censorship, ways to protect yourself and family:
Second Session
Lt. Col.Kirby Bowling, CORAC Region 3 Director: PMAs and personal survival strategies off of the grid
Sally Fallon Morell, Author or Nourishing Traditions: nutrition and food resources near you
Eugenia Poliakov, PhD, Research Scientist and Deborah Mackall: homeschooling
Thanks also to the 14 advocacy groups present at the Resource Fair who offered information, books, and helpful handouts.